Birthday lessons

Tomorrow is my birthday, and I wanted to share a few things that have been on my mind and in my heart as I approach 36 years of life.

Be curious.

Being excited to learn about the world is one of the things that makes us feel most alive. When we lose our curiosity about the world, it slips into monotony. That doesn't mean we have to go to new or exotic places; we can find as much intricacy in nature and as many questions to ponder about the trees in our backyard or in our local park as we can in spectacular national parks. The key is to want to learn, want to grow, want to see the world through a lens of "I wonder why...".

It doesn't matter what you are curious about, what matters is that you stay curious.

We rarely, if ever, feel only one emotion at any one time.

Most of the time we feel both "negative" and "positive" emotions at the same time. I am only able to access the most beautiful and soul-filling emotions, the moments that make me feel most joyful, when I also allow and embrace the tough things about that moment or the time before it. Having a "positive attitude" or pretending that everything is okay and "wishing for the best" is really only harming us, as it doesn't allow us to embrace a full moment, and therefore access the highest levels of joy.

I used to think I had to find a way to snap myself out the tough moments by "thinking positive thoughts"; now I know this is my processing, and it is absolutely fine to listen to sad music and have a cry to work through that tough emotion.

Learn more: Bittersweet by Susan Cain

We don't need a few perfect environmentalists; we need everyone to be very imperfect environmentalists.

Yes, you. I know you aren't doing as much as you want to or hope to or feel that you should, but whenever you have the opportunity to make a choice that minimizes your impact on the planet, make it, and know that you are contributing to the solution.

Last night, a friend texted me this photo:

Is Target doing the best they can? No, I don't believe so, but is this a start? Absolutely.

While this is actually a marketing ploy to get you to purchase more denim from their store (when I went in the store later that day, there were racks and racks of denim to the right of this sign), and therefore continue the consumption cycle, what this does show is that Target is listening. Environmental choices are more and more important to consumers. So they are now offering this, which allows them to take a little responsibility.

And even from corporations, we can't expect perfection, but it is a start.

Your role? To take advantage of this opportunity to recycle your jeans....although I would not recommend using the 20% coupon. If you want to purchase jeans, purchase a high-quality pair that are going to last a long time (and while I can't say for sure, my guess would be Target jeans are not it).

FYI. You absolutely can take your jeans into Target and walk out, you do not have to use (or even take) their coupon.

People are always doing the best they can.

Ooof, this one is hard to learn, especially when it comes to wanting to help or save people you love from a situation. We have to let people make their own choices, and they are gonna make the choice that is best for them in that moment. We have no idea what it is like to live in that person's head, so we can't make judgements from our filters about what is best for them and what is not.

All we can do is be supportive as best we can, and let them live their life the way they feel is best (even if it hurts).

It is okay to feel your emotions strongly.

Kinda related to the point above, but from our inside perspective. If we can't give other people grace and love for their choices, how are we going to give ourselves the kindness to do our best?

It takes work to not be triggered by some things and to have a sudden reaction to them. That doesn't mean we can't develop that skill, but it does take some of the pressure off knowing that it is okay, you are okay, if you struggle with emotional reactions sometimes.

Learn more: When it comes to parenting, Dr. Becky Kennedy of Good Inside has been extremely helpful. From her podcast to her book, Good Inside, she has helped me process through why I react the way I do.

There are no bad people, only bad choices, and just because someone has made lots of bad choices, that doesn't mean their next choice won't be a good one.

I feel very passionate about this one. When my kids run around saying, "I'm the bad guy" (because that's what the world tells them, that there is good and there is bad), I say, "I'm sorry, what?" and then they say, "I'm the person making bad choices." For me, this is critical. If we write people off forever, it's not helping them.

Now of course, some people make horrific choices, and their choices will follow them for the rest of their lives, but they can grow within their own lives and become a better version of themselves, even if they have a long way to go.

Learn more: The documentary 26.2 to Life about the San Quentin prison marathon did a beautiful job of showing this. Stay tuned for someone joining me on the podcast from that doc :)

I also loved the Netflix series called Unlocked.

Hugging trees (or at least touching them) can work wonders.

Okay, maybe it doesn't have to be trees, not everyone feels emotionally connected to trees in the way that I do. But I do believe that connecting with nature in a very real and raw way (with our phones far away from us in that moment) has the power to really shift our hearts away from pain and suffering to focus on the present moment.

Even if you have a very hectic or stressful day, taking a few seconds to put your hand on a tree as you go by can have a powerful effect.

Learn more: The Overstory by Richard Powers. It's not a tree hugger book like the book about fungi I am reading right now; The Overstory is a book for everyone, but it will change the way you view nature.

It is very healthy not to ask for/look for one person to be everything to you.

Many of us were told as children that you are meant to find your soulmate, your other half, the one person who makes you complete. I now believe that not only is that setting us up for unrealistic expectations of what a long-term or lifelong relationship is, but it is also putting way too much on one other human.

Steve and I have a strong relationship. Perfect? Not at all, but after 10 years, I would still say we are growing and learning together and yes, we are happy. I also have some very deep friendships alongside our marriage, and that makes my marriage stronger, as I am not putting everything on Steve. I used to feel there was something wrong with me for seeking that closeness with other humans, now I know it makes me the best version of me, so I can be the best wife and mother I can be.

Learn more: This fascinating podcast with Ezra Klein and Rhaina Cohen


There are more, and maybe I will share next week, but another lesson I have learned is that it is okay to not get things perfect, to not be perfect or to finish what you started right away. That feels like enough for today, and good enough is, in fact, good enough.

Last week on the Running For Real podcast...

Here's the official description:

July 21, 2024 was recorded as the hottest day ever globally. The record was broken the next day, a fact which will come as no surprise to runners. They experience the consequences of climate change daily as they log their miles, which is why Dr. Madeleine Orr has found them to be the ideal subject for her research into the impact of the climate crisis on athletics, which she writes about in her new book, Warming Up: How Climate Change is Changing Sport.

Here's the real deal:

I love the way Maddy is able to bring everyone into the climate conversation, not just those people like me who are passionate about it. She has amazing suggestions to get started and to start where you are at, and while the Olympics is going on, it especially shows the power that sports have to make change happen.

I released a solo episode this past Friday to share updates of what I have been up to the past few months and where I am at with my recovery journey. I know these episodes seem to be enjoyed, so if you have been busy lately, this might be a good place to hear a quick update (it is a shorter episode).

I was excited to be added to the Climate Champions of Eco Athletes. There are a lot of Eco Athletes who are competing in the Olympics at the moment and using this moment to bring forward climate conversations.

The founder of Eco Athletes, Lew Blaustein, is a dear friend and one of the biggest climate advocates I know. He interviewed me last year, and went into areas I had never been asked about before.

On the fence about whether you wanna join me in Costa Rica at the end of November? I will be joining Aire Libre for an Instagram Live on Thursday at 2pm CT (3pm ET/12pm PT), if you want to join us.

Remember to use the code TINAMUIR for 10% off, if you are coming to Costa Rica.

I think I shared enough thoughts above :)

Thanks to our partner, AG1

AG1 has been with me through everything, and I rely on it like an old friend to help me support my own health, especially when times get hectic. This time of year, as we head towards the end of summer and things begin to ramp up for the fall, I find it is critical to giving me the boost I need to start each day. I know no matter what I do in the day, if I started off my day with AG1, I have done something loving and respectful for myself to take care of my body.

If there’s one product I trust to support my whole-body health, it’s AG1, and that's why I’ve partnered with them for so long. It’s easy and satisfying to start your journey with AG1. Try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase

Be kind to one another, yourself, and this beautiful planet of ours.

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Running For Real

Read more from Running For Real

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