It is time...

On Friday I had my final run before surgery. I didn't know it was going to be until I started running.

The surgeon told me to take 7-14 days off before surgery. Tina of the past would have absolutely taken seven, begrudgingly. Tina of now didn't feel the need to take 14 to be extra careful, but I had a week to decide that was enough.

I had in my head that my final run was going to be on the trails. I envisioned a beautiful spring morning, just the right temperature, running in Castlewood Park (a state park here in Missouri), touching and talking to lots of trees as I went, taking in this final moment. Not the technical trails, but the gravel part by the river. Smiling maybe, but certainly slowing to a walk with tears in my eyes. Knowing it would likely be six months before I did a six-mile run again.

And then on Wednesday, on my final run with Lane, I randomly rolled my ankle. Something I haven't done in years and have no reason why I did. I finished the run, and while it was swollen for a few days, it had calmed down again by Friday to go for a run in the afternoon.

I chose to run along Grant's Trail, a bike/running trail close to my home that I rarely run on. I'll be honest, I just find it very boring. I have done my fair share of bike trails like this, and this one isn't even uninterrupted; it has lots of street crossings, and it really isn't very exciting at my part of the trail. Generally, I avoid it.

But on this Friday afternoon, I felt the urge to go down there.

It wasn't any different to usual, but the thought went through my mind, this is a good place to call it. I felt in tune with my body. I felt like I was taking in my surroundings (even without putting my hands on trees) and I was connected to this run.

It wasn't any kind of special run, but it felt like the right place to stop. Even though I could have done that trail run yestrday morning and another two runs after that. Even though it wasn't spectacular. Even though my foot didn't hurt, it was the right place to stop.

I went for two final bike rides this weekend, 32 miles on Saturday and my longest ride ever of 40 miles on Sunday. Now my bike is ready to hibernate for a while too.

And you know, somehow, I feel at peace. With no more running for months. With two weeks of zero weight-bearing and crutches. With months of stationary cycling ahead (and believe me, I absolutely detest stationary biking, just ask my strength coach!). Somehow, I feel ready to embrace it all.

That's not to say it is going to be easy.

Next weekend when I am in Boston and everyone heads out on their various shakeouts, I expect to feel that pang of envy, sadness.

As a spectator for the first time for the marathon, I anticipate it will be hard at times.

And I am confident at some point in the days before sugery next Wednessday (17th), I will have a panic. My best friends may have to deal with fireballs of stress and worry as I lob them at them out of nowhere.

But for now, I feel at peace. I know this is the right choice. I trust my surgeon 100% and I am going into this with the intention that I am doing this for my future of running, and that gives me comfort.

This week on the Running For Real podcast...

Here's the official description:

Fiona O’Keeffe raced into the record books in the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials this year. In her debut at the distance, she smashed the previous record, set by Shalane Flanagan in 2012, by over three minutes. She also became the youngest woman to claim victory. She’s focusing on her performance, but she’s also embracing the opportunity to champion environmental advocacy, leveraging her running platform to inspire change.

Here's the real deal:

When I heard Fiona was passionate environmentally and the biggest area she wanted to work on changing was at races, I could not believe it. She had just won the Olympic trials, and there was someone who had the same passion and determination as I do. We are still figuring out what that looks like, how she can be a part of this movement and change, but I can't wait to find out. This is a different interview to any you have heard Fiona do, but it was so interesting (and not just for me either!!). You will be surprised what she says in here about hydration!

We can take a trip together! I am excited to be working with Air Libre this year and will be going on a six-day retreat to Costa Rica with them in November. I would love to share this experience with you

Running Boston (or know someone who is?)

I am excited to host the first plogging event on Boston Marathon weekend. There are so many events going on at any one time, but this one is different, meaningful, and will change your entire perspective on life and the world.

I am hosting this with my friends, Matt Choi and Tyler Swartz, and we are very excited to have many of our friends joining us (and this would be an amazing opportunity to meet your favorite runners; it will give you time and space to talk to them beyond "Can I take a picture?" and walking off).

So who is joining us?

Erin Bailey, James Ro, Vanessa Peralta-Mitchell, Dan Churchill, Drew Whitcomb, Rob Dalto, Ryan Montgomery, Mike Kofuzi, Carolyn Su, Jason Suarez, Jordan Marie Brings Three White Horses Whetstone.

When is it?

Saturday April 13th at 2pm EST

From Dig Inn (557 Boylston)

I need to talk to something that I am really getting mixed signals about. Something I feel extremely passionate about, but also very confused.

T-shirts at races.

It is one of the most common things people bring up to me. It is something I see memes about. It is something that makes me clench my teeth when I do not see an opt-out option for races.

I am absolutely drowning in race day T-shirts, and I haven't accepted one in a few years now. When I don't have the choice, I just don't pick it up, that way it will get donated with the others, and once enough people start not taking their shirts, it will change. At least that's what I tell myself.

But I am one person with an extreme tilt towards environmental advocacy, and I genuinely am not sure where the majority of the running world stands. Having the option to plant a tree or get money off your entry sounds like a no-brainer to me, but I also have friends who love their race day shirts and wear every one they own with pride.

I would love your thoughts with this two question (multiple choice) survery. Tt will take you 10 seconds, but please, be honest. There is no right or wrong answer (and its anonymous!)

Thank you!

“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress.” —Sophia Bush

Thanks to our partner, Precision Fuel & Hydration

I wish I had spent more time getting my fuel and hydration down when I was running at my peak. I think now about all the time I left on the table by not putting more energy into figuring out what I needed. it is something that I am committed to figuring out during this time, so when I do get back to ultra running, my stomach is trained to consume enough fuel and I am ready to go get some big goals.

If understanding what you need is something that has always confused you, Precision has a free Fuel & Hydration Planner, which you can use to understand how much carb, fluid and sodium you need to perform at YOUR best in your key runs and on race day.

And once you know what you need, get yourself 15% off below. My favorite items are original gel and lemon+lime chews. I had three on each of my rides this weekend, and it felt good to get back to them!


Be kind to one another, yourself, and this beautiful planet of ours.

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Running For Real

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