When I was home in England, my mum had boxes of personal items belonging to me that I needed to go through. That included multiple diaries, medals, drawings, and school calendars, and lots of memories came flooding back to me. In that moment, I was so grateful my mum had held on to all of it. I am someone who in general likes to keep things pretty minimal and it has gotten me into trouble on numerous occasions, when Steve or I have been looking for something that we need, and I have already found a new home for it. There have also been times in the past six months when Bailey has said to me, PLEASE don't throw this away, mum; you throw ALL my art away! I absolutely do not, but that does tell me I need to modify the way we sort through the (might I add, RELENTLESS amounts of) artwork she creates. My mum had so much for me to go through, and in some ways, I didn't want it to end. It felt good to go through it and know there were many items that I could smile, reflecting back on, but I was ready to let go. I was quite happy with the small pile of items I was left with at the end. There were items like this, that aren't really relevant to anything or interesting to anyone else, but I felt some pull to hold onto them. Then there was the proof I invented the iPhone, or more specifically, FaceTime. You are welcome ;) Ha. There were my training diaries during my early years, where I could see how little I actually did to run as fast as I did. Many moments of gratitude for my coach Brad, as I could see how he really did hold me back, as he wanted me to run my best in my 20s and 30s, not as a 16-year-old (listen to my podcast episode with my coach here) Then there were the diary diaries, yep, the ones you are thinking of, and honestly, it was really hard to read them. I saved those reads till I got back to the US, and a few evenings were spent reading page after page. The first real boyfriend I had, and then seeing it unravel before me, my heart broken, feeling it as if it had just happened yesterday. It was the most surreal feeling; I could feel the pain as if I was in that moment again. And yet, I am glad for that experience. There were the moments I was really nasty to another student; thankfully, those were few and far between, but it was hard to read about the time I thought it was funny to throw balls of paper at another human being with a group of friends. Ick. Or reading about celebrating one of the girls in my class being removed; when I look back now, I am sure she was in a lot of pain in her personal life, and all the girls in the class arguing with her didn't make her any more likely to find some positivity in the world. There was so much more, mostly personal that I don't feel I need to share. I did learn about myself though, moments that made me who I am today. I am not sure I ever could have imagined my life would be the way it is right now, but there were little indicators along the way that this was where I was headed. I could also be proud of the ways I have matured, the empathy I have developed, and the ability to let go of (some) things when I simply couldn't in the past. Not everyone gets the opportunity to do something like this, but we can go back and reflect on our past selves to see how we have grown. It is one of my favorite things to do, and you might just find some nuggets as to where your purpose and heart really lie, if you are struggling to find out what the future holds for you. This week on the Running For Real podcast...Here's the official description: Every year at this time, we’re inundated with lists of Things To Do In The New Year. They can be intimidating, and make us feel as though if we don’t accomplish them all, we’ve failed. This isn’t one of those lists. Tina has put together ten tips that you can use to be kinder to the planet this year. They’re easy wins that won’t require too much (if any) work. Here's the real deal: I could not get a guest on soon enough in 2025, so we decided to make it an easy place to start. These tips do not require extra effort or big changes; I was very intentional to select tips that you could do right now. I know it weighs on your heart. Parts of Los Angeles are on fire right now; we know things like that shouldn't be happening, taking some kind of action will help ease that fear you feel.
World Athletics Road Running Championships 2025 is this year! I have told you about my excitement for this event and what I am trying to do as Sustainability Director. If you are looking for a race weekend this year, I would love to have you on my team, and you can choose from a 1 mile, 5k, and half marathon. Many of the runners are actually doing more than one event....many even all three, as they are on different days. Come join me as a Green Runner; I have some amazing events I would love to have you take part in during race week that will fill your heart to the very top with love and joy.
President Biden permanently banned offshore drilling in 625 million acres, which was amazing to see. -- Last week I shared about the 1-2-3 challenge. For the month of January, every day, I am doing these three things:
Although as with everything with me, if you are looking at the options as being to complete perfectly or fail, I have already failed. With the snow we have had over the past few days, I have simply not been able to pick up trash, as I can't see any! That said, the point of this challenge is to do it as you see fit, and as the snow melts over the coming days and I can get back to picking up trash, I will make up the difference. I have loved seeing how many friends have joined in and sent me their tree-hugging pictues, and I would love to see yours too. Reply to this email or send it through social media. “We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.” –May Sarton Thanks to our partner, TracksmithTracksmith's Brighton base really does live up to the hype. I am not the only one who raves about it as the perfect winter long sleeve; anyone who tries it, is like, Ahhhhhh I get it; yep, I see now. I have three Brighton bases, and I wear them in my daily life while I am working, around the house, or even with jeans when I am going out for lunch, then once I feel it is time to wear something else, I wear them for my runs. They are a little looser in the torso to make sure you don't overheat as you get running, and then the arms are tighter to keep that warm air trapped. Another favorite feature of mine, it is made with Merino wool, a natural superhero material that just does not smell. I don't understand how it works, but I can wear it day after day and it doesn't smell. Thats a win for all of us ;)
Don't need a long sleeve? I also love the Allston and Turnover tights, and I wear the Harbor vest most the winter as a cozy extra layer. Year six of working with Tracksmith and I am still as in love as I ever was! -- Be kind to one another, yourself, and this beautiful planet of ours. Enjoying these? Why not forward to a friend who may enjoy. Encourage them to sign up and get these emails too. And if you missed an email, or would like to reread one, you can find past newsletters here. |
World Athletics announced this morning that the World Athletics Road Running Championships is being moved out of San Diego to another city. My role as Sustainability Director for the event? Over. In some ways, I am relieved. I was in over my head; the imposter thoughts were loud and strong; could I really pull this off? Sure, I had the city of San Diego in my corner, but there was a LOT I didn’t know. I was feeling my way through the dark, and I felt I was doing okay at it, but never quite...
Last year, I noticed something about my sleep. If I had given myself at least 10 minutes of quiet time during the day, I was able to fall asleep at night. On days I did not allow myself that time, as I had my phone in my hand, or feeding me content as I showered, walked up the stairs, and ran, I struggled to fall asleep. It was like my brain was unable to process anything as it went through the day, and was forced to go through it as I lay in bed, finally in quiet. l'll be honest; sometimes I...
A few weeks ago, I shared that I was feeling motivated and energized to keep pushing forward this movement of doing whatever we can do to be our best selves, and to believe in the future we are working to realize. I have to be honest: My ability to do that has faltered over the past week, has been intermittent, has been tested. Yes, it does feel like every day when I look at my social media, I see some kind of devastating blow that has occurred in the past 24 hours. It feels like every day...