Last week I lost my are gonna laugh at how...

On Labor Day, Steve took the girls out for a few hours to run an errand. Grateful for the solo time, I decided to tackle our guest room, which had become a dumping ground of sorts for...well, everything we didn't know where to put.

While we don't have any guests coming in the next few weeks, it was bothering me, and I took this opportunity to reciprocate Steve's supportive gesture by digging into it.

I put in my AirPods, put on my current favorite playlist, and organized. I really enioyed myself, singing to my favorite tunes without a care of how loud I sang.

When Steve returned a few hours later, he said, "Are you sick? Your voice sounds weird."

No, I knew this feeling; it was just from me singing too loudly at a pitch that my voice was not able to handle. As a regular sing-in-the-car-with-music-blasting driver, I knew this feeling.

The next morning, I went to say "Good morning" to Chloe, and no words came out.

I made the noise; you know, the noise we all make to try clear our throat (what is the word for that?); still nothing.

I could only talk in a whisper.

Chloe's response was, "Moooommyyyyyyyy, stop being silly," to which I started laughing, well, a silent version of laughing.

She tilted her head, "Mooommmyyyyy, talk!"

More laughing, from both of us this time, this situation was pretty hilarious.

When Bailey woke up, and I tried to speak with a husky, squeaky, unfamiliar voice, she looked at me with suspicion, backing away from me; who was this person?

After they accepted that I was not pretending and I was still, in fact, their mum, we went about our morning as normal, except I had to just smile at people instead of saying good morning; I had to wave like an excited child to show I was not being rude to friends.

The thought went through my mind that maybe I was sick, maybe it could be laryngitis, except my Whoop showed I was well recovered and my body was happy. Besides, I didn't feel sick; I felt totally normal.

I cancelled all my Zoom and call meetings for the day; it was simply not going to happen. I felt really weird that day; without being social through connecting with others in meetings and calls, my day felt incomplete.

The next morning, the same, no improvement, but I had a really important call that afternoon; I had to find a way to try and make it work.

Try and make it work I did...I managed about 15 minutes of squeaky hoarseness before my voice totally cut out.

After that, I had to fully accept that resting it was the only option. I could still go to PT, strength train, and swim; I could move my body, but my mind had to find another way.

The thing was, resting didn't feel good. Of course it did on my body, but my mind was resisting. I wanted to talk to my loved ones; I wanted to have those calls to progress things I am working on; I wanted my voice back! I felt like Ariel, trying to show the world who I was through nods and smiles.

I tried to find peace with my own thoughts, having my own company as company, listening to the noises of my house and the world instead of always interacting with them. I took the time to listen to an audiobook.

By Friday, my voice was coming back, and I was relieved, but I was also grateful for the past few days, so I could be an observer of the way I try to distract myself sometimes. I realized how hard I find it to be with myself for too long; I want to get better at that.

I am so grateful for the people in my life, but I also want to get better at being grateful for who I am.

Hopefully it doesn't take losing my voice again to keep that intention in check...

This week on the Running For Real podcast...

Here's the official description:

Recording as Six Missing, ambient artist TJ Dumser creates music that encourages mindfulness and positive lifestyle habits. He combined both practices through running, but a few years ago, he lost both his love of the run and the mental clarity that came with it. He explores that period of his life in Six Missing’s upcoming project, Gentle Breath.

Here's the real deal:

This ended up being half therapy session, half podcast, and to be honest, I am kinda surprised by how bold I was with someone I had just met in asking him about his deepest insecurities. The thing was though, the receptivity was there, and I found it just as healing as he did. TJ emailed me the next day, saying how much he had appreciated it. I really love conversations like this in my daily life, so it was amazing to bring this side to a podcast.

Not running Chicago, but want to be involved (or know someone who does)? Chicago Marathon is looking for key volunteers for the sustainability team. That would be to work alongside me and their incredible team to help keep Chicago paving the way for other races. Your advocacy/sustainability experience does not matter, really!! What we need are people who are curious and willing to learn. We would love to have you join us!

Reply to this email to let me know and I will get you set up.


The audiobook I was listening to?

How to be the Love you Seek by Nicole LePera. WOW! Powerful read!


Racing Chicago or know someone who is?

Chicago marathon will have refill stations on course at aid stations 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19. Handhelds and belts are encouraged, vests are accepted (with no bladder in the back!!), but security might give you a hard time about those, so I would recommend the HydraPak Skyflask (code TINAMUIR10 for 10% off) which has a quick refill lid. Please help spread the word about these refill stations to friends running Chicago by forwarding them this email! If any of your friends want to be featured on social media about carrying their own hydration, I would love to interview them!

Also, get the sustainability guide to Chicago here.

We will have a plogging event the day after the race. If you are able to join us, we would love to have you. More soon....

Running NYC or CIM?

We have sustainability guides for those cities too.

Stay tuned for events coming to the Toronto Waterfront Marathon, and NYC marathon too!

Interested in a career in the running space, but not sure where to start? You have a few more days to apply to the Running USA Emerging Leaders Program.

Live in NYC (or near it)? Come join me for one (or both) of these events during Climate Week:

Imagine 5 and I are hosting a mindfulness/connect with nature run on Tuesday Sept 24th at 7:30 a.m.

I am hosting a panel at New York Road Runners about climate change in sports, also on Sept 24th, but at 6:30 p.m.

Sign up link coming!

"Sometimes, you need to be alone. Not to be lonely, but to enjoy your free time being yourself." - Anonymous

Thanks to our partner, Tracksmith

On Saturday I hiked for two hours, kept my Tracksmith Harrier long sleeve on for most the day (quick dry!), and proceeded to wear that same long sleeve for a three-hour bike ride yesterday. At the end, it didn't smell and it handled all that sweat well. That is the beautiful thing about Tracksmith and the quality of their clothing. It handles multiple wears, it washes well, and it maintains quality no matter how intensive your exercise is. It is better for the environment to have fewer items that can handle multiple days and wears and wash well for years on end, than to purchase items that break down easily and need to be thrown away and replaced.

As fall approaches, my faves are yes, the Harrier, but even more than that, the Brighton base long sleeve; it is, simply, perfect.


Be kind to one another, yourself, and this beautiful planet of ours.

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Running For Real

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